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Sep 14, 2021

We Dare You To Choose Courage

No matter how you live your life, there will always be someone who thinks you're doing it wrong. The fact of the matter is, the majority of the population will not harness the courage within themselves to take the leaps necessary to live this life to the fullest. Are you going to allow yourself to be one of those people?

Aug 31, 2021

Give Your Life A Haircut

So how often do you give your life a trim? I'm talking: ending a toxic relationship (platonic or romantic), quitting a job that doesn't make you happy, setting boundaries for YOU. Most people don't. Most people get comfortable, scared of taking a leap towards the unknown, stuck in the cycle of complacency because it's easier than change and uncomfortable conversations. News flash: if you're here, reading this, you're not most people. 

Aug 20, 2021

From My Point of View

How many of us have been in an argument where you "know" you are right but the other person is just not seeing your side? You keep going back and forth, you're hearing their side, yet you still "know" you are right. I put the word 'know' in quotations for a reason. Do you know you are right? Do you know their side of the story? Is there even a right or wrong answer in this debate? It's funny how we think we know more than we actually do...

Aug 13, 2021

Red Light, Green Light, Gaslight

Yellow lights aka gaslighters: This ones hard to tell because they usually seem like green lights... until they say something. All it takes is one thing—the one thing that makes your mind do a rewind. But you decide to ignore it since it's the first date and you've really enjoyed yourself thus far. You think to yourself: "I can look past that. They'll change their mind down the road. It's not THAT important... is it?" Yes it is. Walk away now. This person will cause nothing but unnecessary pain and turmoil. More examples? I'm so glad you asked. 

Aug 6, 2021

What Do Lemonade and Overworking Have in Common?

Imagine you have a full pitcher of lemonade. You can easily share your lemonade with the people around you—just pour a little here and pour a little there. But as you keep pouring, your pitcher starts to get pretty empty. Suddenly you have one sip left, four more people begging for lemonade, and you haven’t even had a glass yourself. How do you decide who gets the last sip of lemonade? You can't make everyone (including yourself) happy! 

Jul 30, 2021

The Words We Want to Hear

First of all, we have to understand that everything someone else does or says is through a lens of their own experiences and thoughts. They are reacting based on what they know, not what we expect. Just because they don’t say what we want them to say doesn’t mean their words don’t have value—and if they do say something hurtful or unsupportive, that’s a reflection of their experiences, not your worth. 

Jul 23, 2021

The Story We Tell Ourselves

When you think about the story you tell yourself, does it make you happy and fill your heart with joy? Are you proud of the person in your story? You should be. Keep writing and re-writing until you'd read that story in front of millions of people. And most importantly: don't let anyone else write your story for you. If someone doesn't like your story, feel free to write them out.

Jul 16, 2021

The Art of Comparison

"You were aware of their failures, but focused on their successes." In order to have a healthy relationship with comparison, you must be (at least somewhat) aware of the failures, trials, tribulations of the person or object you are comparing against. This helps set your expectations for your own experience and shape your overall attitude.

Jul 9, 2021

Riding the Emotional Roller Coaster of Starting a Business

It’s a roller coaster of emotions. One day I feel like I’m on top of the world and I’m stoked that we actually started a business after years of dreaming. It truly feels surreal. Then the next day I’m crying because I’m scared, poor and we haven’t had any sales in days.
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MCREY is committed to designing motox gear that women actually want to wear. What colors and prints do you want to play in? What type of fit are you most comfortable in?

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